Fan Presets in Macs Fan Control

Free version has only 3 presets:

  • Automatic, all fans are set to Auto and controlled by the system
  • Full blast, all fans are spinning at maximum RPM
  • Custom*, when you override fan control your way. This preset is saved between app launches (if you quit the app while the preset is active) and it gets lost when you switch back to Auto or Full blast.

Pro version is able to create and save custom fan presets so you can quickly switch between them depending on your activity.

Create a new custom preset in Pro version

Suppose we have a MacBookAir 2018 with a single fan and we'd like to spin it at 4000 RPM (revolutions per minute) while gaming.

  • Override fan speed by pressing the Custom button and setting the desired speed to 4000 RPM.
  • Save the preset from the menu or by simply pressing the Cmd+S hotkey.